Breast Sculpting Virtual Consultation

While a face to face consultation is the preferred method for meeting Dr. Cruise for the first time, we understand this isn't always possible. Whether you reside out of the Los Angeles, Orange County area, have a hectic schedule, or time sensitive matter, you can take advantage of our Fast Track Virtual Consultation.
When you take advantage of our gynecomastia virtual consultation option, you will receive a rapid assessment of your gyne, along with Dr. Cruise's recommended treatment plan and comprehensive surgical quote.
To begin the process, follow the step by step instructions to the left.
Photos: Follow the photo submission guideline below. Submit at least one set of photos for each view shown. Be sure to take your pictures with a plain background, nothing on the walls.

Step 1 - Take photos of your chest
Use the photo submission guideline below
Step 2 - Fill out the form below and upload your photos
In the comment section, provide any information you feel we should know such as scheduling surgery is time sensitive, you reside out of the area, health issues, etc.
Step 3 - Schedule consultation
Once your submission is received by our patient care coordinator, you will be contacted to schedule your consultation. In most cases, we are able to schedule a virtual consultation within 72 hours of receiving your information.
Step 4 - Consultation
On the day and time that your consultation is scheduled, Dr. Cruise and your Patient Care Coordinator will call you to discuss your case.
Contact Form & Photo Submission Guideline
Photo Submission Guideline


Left Lateral

Right Lateral
Privacy Information
Please understand this service is provided as a courtesy only and presentation of your images and any case information you provide here does not establish a doctor - patient relationship. All images and information delivered to us through this system meet privacy guidelines. To read our full privacy policy, click here.