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Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift Anchor W/ Silicone
Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift Anchor W/ Silicone
Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift Anchor W/ Silicone
After 2
Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift Anchor W/ Silicone

This 36 year-old female underwent a Circumferential Tummy Tuck, Liposuction of Flanks and Abdomen, and Breast Lift with Implant exchange with Specialist, Dr. Joseph Cruise in Newport Beach. Patient is 5 Months Post-Op and is thrilled with her results.
“I have been very open and honest about my weight loss journey. I could have been very secret as many others have been, but I felt encouraged by reading others' stories which helped motivate me, so I will continue to share mine. Dr. Cruise helped me in my final and last step chapter in my journey and it was the best decision I have ever made. I always knew I would need surgery after two kids and knee reconstruction, but add 115 + pound weight loss and it was inevitable I would need surgery to restore myself back. I NEVER would allow people to take photos of me, never posted full body photos, and never wore tight clothes. This was my life for the last 6 years. Dr. Cruise and his staff have become like family to me and his skill/ gift of being a surgeon is unmeasurable to the other doctors I have seen in the area. My journey will continue on forward but from here on, I will forever be grateful for you Cruise Plastic Surgery.”
Implant style and size before procedure: 375cc High Profile Silicone
Implant style and size after procedure: 350cc High Profile Silicone
- Age: Between 36 and 45 years old
- Weight: Between 145 and 155 pounds
- Height: 5'4" to 5'7"
- Gender: Female
- Implant Type: Silicone Gel
- Volume: Between 350cc and 400cc
- Implant Profile: High
- Implant Placement: Submuscular
- Post-op Weight: 5 Months